
Capstone Project: South of MLK- North of 16

Working together in your group please spend some time exploring this area on bike and on foot. Your group will collaborate to develop a concept(s) for a safe and comfortable bike connection(s) from this area to existing Bicycle and Pedestrian infrastructure. The goal is to increase bicycle and pedestrian connectivity to destinations and resources that exist west of Nelson Hackett.

The connection should create access for as many residents and households as possible and take into account connectivity to key destinations such as schools, government offices, parks, and community buildings, as well as restaurants, shopping, and others.

You will need to develop the route via Google Earth or another mapping tool that will show the route and identify specific infrastructure elements, street/highway crossings, and potential obstacles.

You will present your concept(s)as well as justification to the full group as if you are presenting to a City Council or Commission and seeking approval to allocate funding for the project. Please develop a presentation in Powerpoint or other presentation app (Canva) that can be broadcast onto the screen in our meeting room. Please provide details on which facilities will be used (including placement of traffic calming efforts), why, and where they will be placed.

Factors to be addressed:

  1. Approach to outreach and public engagement

  2. Current and or previous planning efforts in the area

  3. Political considerations and pushback

  4. Vehicle speed management

  5. Vehicle volume management

  6. Changes to parking

  7. Maximizing access to the most households

  8. Safety

  9. All ages and abilities

  10. Sensitivity to government spending and overreach


9 am: Strategize as a group-Depart on bikes

11 am: Develop presentations in room or in other areas of hotel. Lunch will be available in the Johnny Cash Room at 12pm.

1:30pm-Presentations begin

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